Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/ef/54/f4ef540d3be491cd375110d84a1fdb5a--magical-unicorn-a-unicorn.jpg
Visiting the Warner Brothers Studio to enjoy the Making of Harry Potter tour may not sound like a place for a valuable learning experience, but you might be surprised. You will struggle to find school trips to London that are more fun, engaging and valuable than this insightful tour where young minds can immerse themselves in the world of the beloved movie series whilst also benefitting from unique learning experiences in English, Art and Business Studies.
Of course, school trips to London to visit the Warner Brothers Studio are incomplete without the captivating Harry Potter tour. Both teachers and students will be thrilled to walk through the breathtaking sets of magical places like Diagon Alley, the Forbidden Forest and the Great Hall. In addition to this, your students can view all kinds of recog-nisable props, animatronic creations and costumes and even ride a broomstick!
Educational Experiences
The tour is a great way to whet your pupils appetite for the insightful educational expe-riences on offer here. These are four one-hour lessons which brilliantly link the Harry Potter series with the national curriculum. This helps to keep the students engaged and enable them to see what they are learning in the classroom put into practice in the real world.
Art & Design: This workshop reveals the design and creative process for the magnificent props, costumes and sets that they saw earlier and is a highly inter-active lesson available from KS2 to KS5.
Business Studies: The filmmaking business is one of the most lucrative industries and the Harry Potter series is one of the biggest movie franchises of all time. This fascinating workshop reveals the business side of the work that goes into making a successful film, including the filmmaking, production, marketing and much more.
English: J.K Rowlings book series has proven to be one of the most popular pieces of fiction in modern times and is adored by children and adults around the world. This workshop encourages creative writing ideas and helps students to bring their ideas to life. Who knows, maybe they will come up with the next big idea!
Film & Media: Everyone loves film, but not many pupils fully realise the incredible amount of work that goes into the complete process. This workshop provides a unique insight into various aspects of how a film is made and marketed. This val-uable experience often inspires students and helps them to find a particular area of the process that they have an interest in.
School trips to London to visit the Warner Brothers Studio can be a wonderful treat for your students, but also prove to be a hugely valuable educational experience. In addition to immersing themselves in the Harry Potter universe and getting up close to various props and sets, they will gain a look behind the curtain to reveal knowledge about the film series which can be translated into what they are learning in the classroom.
Author Plate
John Gardiner is the Managing Director of The School Travel Company, a tour operator specialising in educational travel for school and youth groups. Whether youre planning school trips to London, New York or Indias Golden Triangle, you can trust both the educational and economic value of their itineraries, whether ready-made or specifically designed to suit the needs of your group.